“Faking” is a big concern for employers using personality tests.
Steps for Employers:
Cover the basics. Choose a test with proven reliability and validity like the DiSC®.
Become knowledgeable about the test through a certification program. If this is not possible, then use an outside consultant.
Consider the personality requirements of the job and measure them using a tool like the Role Behavior Analysis. For instance, the ability to work long hours without social interaction is far more “natural” to some than others.
Monitor the process. If you are concerned about having someone else taking the test, have them take it at work. Tell participants they will be discussing their answers at a later date. This holds an applicant responsible for consistent answers.
Conduct interviews that are based on the test results. Some test publishers, like the DiSC® provide interview recommendations with the test reports, which can save time. If someone has intentionally provided false or inflated answers, you may spot discomfort or hesitation during the interview.
Do the profile “on the other person.” If you find that your perception and theirs is radically different, talk about the different perceptions.
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