Go Ahead and Vent..But Find the Right Listener

Here is the Goal: To be able to blow off steam without damaging your reputation.

Understanding how stress works will only get you so far. You need cathartic relief, right? Don’t hesitate to seek the empathetic ears of a colleague, but do choose your confidant wisely. The more you say to a person you work with, the more likely something will slip out at work.

You don’t want co-workers using your misery to their advantage, so find someone with a sterling reputation whom you know and trust.

As counterintuitive as it sounds, in some cases your boss may be your best confidant. Sure, you don’t want to make much ado about the minor daily stresses of your job, but if you’re struggling with something major that affects your performance, talk to your boss. After all, managers are invested in the success of their employees. A brief explanation (keep the hairy details to a minimum) is not only fair, it’s also a way to build trust.

If you’re going to go to your boss, schedule a time to talk instead of dropping by unexpectedly when they may be in the middle of grappling with the demands of their own job.

Prepare for your conversation. Bring in notes to help you stay on track.
Regardless of whom you talk to, vent once, then let the issue rest. Constantly rehashing the story will force you to relive your emotions and irritate the listener.

If you have to do a difficult task, the conversations didn’t make the task any easier, but they will help you cope with your own internal struggles.

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