Doable Healthy Work Practices

There is a growing trend for living healthy lifestyles. Pop culture and the media constantly remind us that we should be eating right and exercising. CrossFit and strict diets are for the dedicated, but what if you’re not? What can you do if your schedule doesn’t allow time to cook healthy meals or work on your buns of steel? Here are some tips for staying healthy at work.
Find a “diet buddy.” Teaming can help keep you accountable. Trade recipes and workout plans with each other. Sharing the experience also makes it more rewarding and fun.
• Bring healthy snacks and small lunches. A huge problem with making healthy choices is portion sizes. Bring a healthy snack to have before lunch; you will be less tempted to overeat at lunch. Multiple small meals are healthier than one large one and reduces the risk of overeating.
Drink water. Bring water with you and keep it where you will see it so as to remind yourself to drink it. Try setting alarms on your computer or phone to remind you to drink your water or take a sip after each phone call.
Take time to stretch or exercise. Sitting 8 hours a day, 5 days a week is bad for both your mind and your body. Take time to stretch or do simple exercises to refresh yourself. Taking a walk is also beneficial to prevent other mental or physical issues. Consider a standing desk.
Use your vacation days! You can’t stay healthy if you are stressed from work. Stress creates many illnesses and problems in the long run. Recharge your batteries. Whether it is a trip to the beach or visiting a museum, do something that relaxes you! Your vacation days are there for a reason, so take them. In the long run, you will be more happy,healthy and productive

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