Stop Bad Behavior!

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Show transparency
Let employees know about how and why decisions are made. Employees who understand why are more productive and have greater long-term commitment.

Distribute assignments fairly
Yes, employees enter your organization with different abilities, and not every assignment fits every employee. Your employees tune in to each other’s skills and abilities, and will notice when they or their coworkers are not being fairly challenged.

Provide non-monetary rewards
Employees who are not receiving positive recognition are more likely to ”steal” from the organization under the pretense that they are owed something. Reinforce good behavior!

Have a true open door policy
Some open door policies seem like closed-door policies when employees feel uneasy about bringing up issues. This leads to absenteeism, depression,
and lower productivity.

Punitive justice
First, allow employees opportunities to self-correct by bringing issues to their attention. However, consistency is key and it is important to have clearly written rules and enforced consequences.

Fairness, recognition, and consistency are key for creating a work environment where your employees stop behaving badly.

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