Choosing a Board Consultant or Trainer

You need to find a good consultant or trainer for your Board. What do you look for and what questions should you ask? The order of the questions are What, Who and lastly, How much?
First define the “What.” What are your needs and your expectations? What are the issues, what do you want done and what is the time frame? Is this meant to be a long-term commitment or a one-time project?
Then consider the “Who.” Does the consultant have the appropriate experience and qualifications? Is she/he familiar with your organization and not have any conflict of interest? Does she/he understand the goals of the project? Do the personalities fit? Is there good “chemistry?” Are they good listeners?Are they realistic? Can they fulfill their promises in a timely manner? Do previous clients give her/him good references?
Lastly, consider the “How much?” Balance the importance of experience and quality with your budgetary needs. Would an hourly, daily or a project price work best for you? Be careful. The cheapest consultant may not be the most economical. You get what you pay for!
(From Building Better Boards – Dr. Mimi Hull)

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