Spring Clean Your Workplace

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Spring is in the air and here are 10 tips to help spring clean your workplace:

1. Make a To-Do List—List all the areas that need attention. Start with your desk, the drawers, file cabinets or a particular corner.
2. Work in Increments—Take 15 minutes in a certain area, rather than tackling the whole project.
3. Save Space—If unused things are taking up desk space, purge or store them someplace else.
4. Use or Lose It—“A messy desk creates a messy mind.” For things you don’t need now but will in the future, create a single box labeled “Office Supplies.”
5. Purge Paper—Review each sheet of paper and discard what’s unnecessary. If the item has any personal information such as a signature, or a Social Security number, shred it!
6. Think Green—Help the environment. Recycle papers and any old technology.
7. Minimize Data—Minimize data to minimize the risk of having a privacy or security breach. Consider what kinds of information you have, and set a clear privacy policy within your organization.
8. Update Your Résumé—Review and update your résumé to include recent projects, accomplishments and skills learned.
9. Update and Back Up Your E-Space— Remove old applications on your computer or phone. Organize the files on your computer, so there is no duplication and back it up off-site.
10. Develop a Cleaning Habit—A cleaning schedule can help you stay organized.
(From Time Management workshop by Dr. Mimi Hull)

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