Dear Dr. Mimi: Trapped In Employment

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Q: I am so unhappy in my job! But with the current job market,I feel trapped to stay where I’m at. Is there any hope for finding a new job?—Suffocating

A: Today, when many people feel that job opportunities are bleak, opportunities are still available. You simply may have to dig deep to find them. Keep in mind these tips while you prepare for your job search:

Revamp your skills. Make sure you are up-to-date on all the tools and software programs necessary to your profession.

Network. Be visible. Ask for help. Networking can get your foot in the door and inform you about nonmarketed opportunities. Take advantage of online sites, too, such as Linkedin, Facebook and Brightfuse.

Be assertive. Seek out companies whether they are hiring or not. Think of hidden prospects. Look for out-of-the-ordinary opportunities.

Focus on the positive. Don’t give companies any reason to pass you by. Work on your pitch to employers so you are ready to sell yourself. Do your homework and learn what is important for each position and organization where you plan to apply.

Role play. Make sure you are ready for the interview. Practice with others beforehand answering questions the interviewer will likely ask. You’ll gain extra confidence.

Lower your expectations. This is not the time to look for your dream job. You may have to take a pay cut or a step down from your current position. Don’t be choosy. Remember: It is typically easier to find a job when you have a job.
—Dr. Mimi

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