How DISC Styles Celebrate Valentine’s Day!


The DISC model/profile provides insight into the behavioral preferences of ourselves and others. Each DISC letter represents different traits. The letter “D” indicates Dominance and Decisiveness. “I” indicates Influence and Intuitive. “S” indicates Support and Security, and “C” indicates Conscientiousness and Cautiousness. Let’s imagine how these styles celebrate Valentine’s Day!

The “D” doesn’t care much about Valentine’s Day. They love their partner the same every day. If they have to plan something or select a gift, it is simple for them. They get it done and don’t think about it again! The “I” loves the love! They look forward to Valentine’s Day and want to show their partner how much they care about them. They think about it early but won’t shop for gifts until the last minute. They “just know” what their partner will love. The “S” plans and works to make Valentine’s Day special. They want their partner to feel appreciated. A “S” may create something homemade and/or will look for a gift that is personal and heartwarming to make their partner feel loved and special. The “C” is very deliberate and thoughtful in their planning. They take great care to make Valentine’s Day special for their partner. In fact, they thought of the perfect gift weeks ago. They are motivated to create a picture-perfect day. The “C” is quietly excited to show their partner their love and have a detailed plan to make it happen…exactly as planned!

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