Never Say These to Your Boss!


If you want to be considered a superstar, here are some things that you should never say to your boss:

1.) That is above my pay grade! Saying this indicates that you are not able or willing to do more complex or difficult assignments. It also indicates you are not suitable for a promotion. If you want to be promoted, learn and do more of what is being done “above your pay grade.”

2.) They didn’t get back to me. This indicates that you are waiting to hear about something rather than being
proactive and checking it yourself. It is better to say that you have contacted them and plan to again.

3.) How should I know? This sounds like you work in your own bubble, oblivious to what else is going on. It is better to ask whom you should contact to learn more about it.

4.) I don’t have time for this. It is better to let your boss know what else you are doing and ask for their priorities.

5.) But we’ve always done it this way. The only thing constant is change and you need to adapt. It is better to say that this seems to be a change and that you look forward to learning more about it.

6.) I’m bored! This sounds like you can’t find productive ways to use your time. Ask your boss if they have anything that they would like you to do or learn since you have completed your assigned tasks.

7.) I hate working with _. Bad-mouthing a coworker never wins you points. Address the situation with your coworker and work things out. If their behavior is negatively impacting your performance and they refuse to change, you can then go to your boss about their lack of response. Having made an effort, it is fine to ask for suggestions.

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