So You Are Being Laid Off!

Getting laid off is difficult. It is an extremely stressful time. This can cause you to feel that you are not good enough, even when you know that the organization is going through hard times and it is not your fault. Although it may feel like the end of the world, it can be a redirection to where you are supposed to be. Here are some ways to handle being laid off and taking care of yourself through this readjustment.

Shift your perspective. To remain positive through this change, alter your perspective. Instead of constantly thinking that being laid off is a huge loss, reprogram your perspective to see that you will have a new experience that will be greater and better than the last one! Remind yourself that things will improve, and each job experience is beneficial, and you will continue to gain better experiences.

Write down your accomplishments. Just because you are no longer with that organization doesn’t mean that your work didn’t count. Remind yourself of all your successes as well as what you want to accomplish in your new career. As stated before, being laid off does not have to be a reflection on you. Companies change! You will reap the benefits of your hard work which will be realized through our future work opportunities.

Ask for Help: Do not be shy about seeking assistance. You may have many emotions and thoughts going through your head during this process. Start networking immediately. Ask for connections and resources. Any help is useful and can be a great way to find your future ideal position.

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