Resilience in the Workplace

Life comes with hardships, and hardships cause an emotional toll. 65% of Americans consider their jobs to be the biggest stressor in their life. In the workplace, long hours, difficult work environments, complex, low social support, and unrealistic deadlines all bring high stress. People low on resilience are four times more likely to burn out.

Resilience is the ability to recover from adversity. Resilience is made up of five different traits: mindfulness, positive relationships, self-awareness, self-care, and purpose. Mindfulness is the ability to be fully present, being aware of where you are and what you were doing, and not being overly reactive and overwhelmed by what’s going on around you. Resilient employees are motivated, supportive, and productive. They build strong connections and help others work towards their goals.

Creating a resilient workplace is essential for having resilient employees. Resilience aids in job satisfaction, expands employee engagement, improves communication, and supports innovation. Organizations can develop a healthy work culture by having training, a usable support system, and encouraging employees to access them. A strong support system plays an active role in resilience in the workplace.

Developing excellent leadership improves resilience. I said in goals, creating a motivational environment, and being confident about reaching those goals, leaders engage their team and make their employees more resilient. Leaders are trained, not born!

Optimism overcomes challenges. Leaders who create a confident outlook and exhibit positive energy build personal resilience.

Work-life balance builds resilience. People need time to recuperate and revitalize to keep them from getting stressed and sick by being overwhelmed.

Changes is inevitable and needs to be dealt with. Encouraging and developing adaptability benefits employees by helping them accept and adjust to changes and becoming more resilient.

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