Build a Better Resume!

The job market is competitive, and a resume is often the first impression an employer/recruiter gets to see of your qualifications and experience. A recruiter looks at a resume for about six seconds, so it is important to make your resume stand out! To make your resume memorable:

Make it concise. Keep it to one page unless you have relevant job experience. Don’t make it a summary of all your experiences. Summarize your relevant job responsibilities and skills.

Create an original template to stand out. Be sure it has a logical order and is slow and use a readable font.

Cater your experience specifically to each job! Use the same words that are in the job description. If your current job is not in the same field as the one for which you are applying, emphasize the skills that your past job gave you that relate to the job you are seeking. Get creative and make meaningful connections.

Use strong action words such as designed, improved, and established. This is important to establish yourself as a confident and capable candidate!

Double and triple-check for grammatical and spelling errors. These errors are viewed as signs of laziness. Formatting errors are seen as a lack of technical skill. Send your resume as a “pdf” so that your formating doesn’t get messed up.

Update your resume regularly! Use the various tools available to impress your future employer.

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