Balance Your Life and Prevent Burnout!

Working and maintaining a life outside of work is challenging. Finding time to put down your phone or leave your computer is a challenge. To prevent burnout, here are some tips.

Create work and life/play goals. Set goals that will keep you motivated when going to work and when you are home. This allows you to look forward and your yourself the feeling of accomplishment and success when that is completed. To create balance and a sense of fulfillment in both your personal and professional settings, create life goals that do not intertwine with work goals.

Prioritize your health. Listen to your body both physically and mentally. Listening to your body allows you to be more productive by feeling more satisfied. Find time to exercise, maintain a good sleep schedule, eat healthy, have social connections, and be sure to take time off when you need it.

Say no. this gives you more time to focus on the important tasks that bring you joy and also provide relief. Keep track of the time you spend at work and create a schedule that allows you to work enough without feeling overwhelmed.

Take breaks. When working on projects, take 10 minutes to move, relax, eat, drink some water, and breathe.

Ask for more time. If you feel stressed and overwhelmed, it is acceptable to ask for an extension on a deadline.

Have self-compassion. It is okay to not be perfect nor to do it all yourself. Ask for help when you need it.

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