Stop Miserable Meetings!

When people are told they need to attend meetings, their reactions tend to be similar – they hate them! So, what can you, as a leader, do to improve meetings? Here are 8 ways!

1. Start all meetings on time and end early. Don’t wait for people who are late. If you do, you are punishing those
who were on time! If you end early, you are a hero! If you consistently end meetings after the intended time, people dread attending them. Everyone’s time is valuable.
2. Give everyone readable name tags at every meeting. This makes it easier for people who have difficulty memorizing names.
3. Provide refreshments. Consider providing snacks or have people bring something that represents their cultural
4. Have each person say something. Break people into groups to discuss topics and report out.
5. Send an agenda in advance and suggest that everyone come prepared with questions.
6. Encourage questions. Ask: What questions do you have? ..rather than, Do you have any questions?
7. Allow time in the allotted time for socialization! People like to have relaxed conversations. If you end early they will stay and connect.
8. Make sure everyone is comfortable both physically and mentally and your meetings will be both desirable and productive!

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