Facing Your Fears

We all have fears. Some people may show them more than others but all of us have had doubts, qualms, and uncertainties that can cause us angst. To grow, leaders need to recognize their fears and do something about them. How can you do that?

Take time to learn. Try new things. Ask people to share their expertise with you. Take a class. If you don’t invest in yourself, why should anyone else? Our world is constantly changing and you need to grow to thrive in it. Trust yourself. Recognize your strengths and build on them. You got to where you are because of your talents. You didn’t get here by being immobile. Don’t be afraid to take your next step.

Build relationships. Have people give you honest feedback and take it. Often, we listen to the negative and disregard the positive. If they say you are doing a great job, believe them!

Make decisions. It is better to go with a decision than to live in limbo. Often your first response is your most accurate one. Your gut will talk with you. Be sure to listen.

Remember that things are correctable. Even if you make a mistake, it can most likely be fixed.

Be creative. Try new things and encourage others to do the same. Reward honest mistakes!

Ask for help and accept it when it is offered. People want to help and by accepting it, people feel empowered and you can focus on other things.

Accept that there are situations that truly are ambiguous and uncertain. It is not that you don’t have the answer, it is the realization that there is no easy answer. So just do the best you can with what you got!

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