Why Proactive Leadership


During these times, leaders are being pushed to find new and creative ways to do business as well as keeping their team engaged. Being a leader requires being proactive both in good times and bad. When things are difficult, leaders tend to do whatever needs to be done to navigate through the immediate challenges.
Leaders also need to be proactive when things are “fine”. We tend to relax when things are moving at a comfortable pace or when a crisis is averted. Unfortunately, these times leave no room for complacency and as a true leader, you need to:
Create and work toward an enhanced vision. This keeps your people attentive. Vision speaks to the future and the constant communication of it ensures you and your team stay focused and move forward.
Stay disciplined and pay attention to the details. This causes you remember to do the smaller, but important, things to keep the ball rolling.
Keep track of what you are doing. This lets you know that you are making progress and allows you to focus on the journey as well as the destination.
Collaborate with others. This means seeking ideas from your team. Ask them for their suggestions. This keeps fresh ideas on the table. When you work alone, it is easy to tell yourself that you have done all that you can do.
Celebrate! This keeps people motivated. Celebrate even small victories. While there is always more to be done, celebrating accomplishments is very motivating for you and your team.

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