Unemployment is at an all-time high but there are jobs to be had. How can
you find them? Consider how urgent your situation is. Take even a short-term job or something that will give you some rather than no income. A part-time job can leave you time to volunteer which can help tremendously in your job quest.
Nonprofits need help and volunteering can boost your skills. You may want to try something new as a volunteer.
Volunteering helps you make great contacts, as well as helping you stay in touch with what is happening in your community.
Volunteering decreases anxiety because it increases confidence, gives you a purpose, and generally helps you feel good.
Volunteering gets you off the couch and out of the refrigerator! Eating better and moving more are important to your wellbeing!
Volunteering can be done remotely. You can still get a valuable experience. Additionally, you may develop your virtual skills which will help you in a job.
Volunteering builds your resume. You can develop skills like marketing,
management, and finance as well as the soft skills of teamwork, leadership,
and time management.
Volunteering can become paid employment. Many nonprofit volunteers go on to work for the agency. When they see a good worker, they often
offer them a paid position.
Looking for a Job? Volunteer!
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