Introverts can be great leaders!
There is a tendency to believe that extroverts make better leaders. This is not so. Studies have shown that introverts can produce greater results because they give people more freedom to be creative, hold themselves and others accountable, and don’t dominate or push for their own ideas.
What are some other leadership strengths of introverts?
Introverts come prepared.
They like to research and consider options before they make decisions. They want to be a positive example. They don’t just talk but rather they do!
Introverts are typically better writers.
They often prefer to write than talk. In our digital age, more and more interactions, including social media, involve writing and they do it so well.
Introverts are often excellent listeners.
They will schedule one-on-one conversations, set goals and objectives and hold themselves and others accountable for the promises they make.
Introverts hold focused conversations.
They stay on point and don’t ramble or tell stories that can waste time and energy. Introverts are often strategic thinkers. When they do talk, people listen.
Introverts engender trust.
Because they are less likely to take center stage, they believe that their work needs to speak for them. They do what they say they are going to do and this instills confidence and trust in others…and isn’t that what leadership is all about?
Strengths of Introverted Leaders
Dear Dr.Mimi – Follower
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