Dear Dr. Mimi:
I am working from home and working nonstop and longer hours due to the pandemic. As a
result, I am getting more and more stressed and more and more cranky. Last night I yelled at
my kids, and they really did not deserve the tongue-lashing that I gave them. I did apologize,
but we are all feeling the tension today. What can I do to relieve the stress that I am under?
—Stressed to the Max
Dear Stressed:
You are not alone. Your stress is real, and you need to be kinder to yourself. Start by
scheduling breaks. Set a timer and walk away from your “office.” Go outside for a walk. Do
some stretching exercises. Call a friend. Listen to music. In other words, get away from your
work both physically and mentally. You might also use this time to write a “love letter” to your
kids, telling them not only that you are sorry, but also letting them know all the good things
that you appreciate about them.
—Dr. Mimi
Dear Dr. Mimi- Dealing with Stress
Dear Dr.Mimi – Follower
Dear Dr. Mimi,I am new to the workforce and would like to be a leader. What should I do?—Follower Dear Follower,I have found that good leaders and good followers have many of the same attributes. They are both good listeners. They are both trustworthy. They care about people. They get their work done … to…
Dear Dr.Mimi – Stressed Out
Dear Dr. Mimi,My work is stressful!!! I work to stay calm, but sometimes the pressure is so great that I want to explode! Help!!!—Stressed Out Dear Stressed Out,Stress can accumulate in the workplace, and it is not fun. Identify the specific source of your stress, and before it gets unbearable, do some stress reduction exercises,…
Why Good Workplace Culture Matters!
Creating a great workplace culture isn’t just nice to have. it’s essential if you want a thriving business today. A strong workplace culture is all about the shared values, behaviors, and beliefs that shape how employees interact and work together. A big perk of a great culture is engaged employees! When people feel valued, respected,…