Diversity means “a range of different things” and can apply to race, ethnicity, sex, religion, education, and more. Racism is defined as prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism toward people because of their racial group. When people don’t realize that they hold a bias toward race, they may have unconscious bias, which is an automatic way of thinking that creates discriminatory behavior.
How does this impact the workplace? People bring their unique experiences to work, and this impacts relationships. The workplace should encourage, not avoid, discussing these differences. To do this well, you need training to uncover unconscious bias, deal with racism and discover how to turn stumbling blocks into stepping stones. Why bother with training? Our diversity training provides the tools needed to reverse automatic thinking and works toward eliminating discriminatory behavior without shaming or blaming.
Our training:
Increases Feelings of Belonging:
Embracing diversity helps people become and feel a part of the team. Everyone is more likely to enjoy work, be more engaged, work harder and stay longer.
Increases Creativity: Having an accepting diverse workforce means that each person brings something unique to the table and they enjoy sharing their
unique perspectives and ideas.
Increases Sales: To appeal to a wide range of audiences, it makes sense to
have a wide range of perspectives. When people feel valued, they share what
appeals to the group they represent. You then can see your product and/or service through various lenses and better relate to your clients and customers.
Ending discrimination and racism will not happen overnight, but it can happen. Deep-seeded biases, even when dormant, take work to eradicate. When we facilitate difficult conversations and conduct appropriate exercises, real change happens and negative feelings are turned into positive outcomes.