10 Ways YOU Can Build a Positive Work Environment!

1. Be dependable. Keep your word, meet deadlines and don’t make excuses!

2. Communicate. Have open communication lines in addition to e-mail
and texts. Use simple, clear and precise language and listen to feedback and ideas provided by others.

3. Show respect. Don’t treat others how you want to be treated. Treat others how they want to be treated. Listen to their preferences and, if possible, adjust your behavior to suit their likings.

4. Express gratitude. Even if you are not their supervisor, recognize small achievements so others will feel valued. Sincerely thank at least one person a day for something that they did.

5. Be open to differences. When someone disagrees with you, think “how interesting” instead of immediately getting defensive and/or giving a rebuttal. Consider their perspective and be mindful of how you phrase your feedback. Showing this type of behavior helps you become more open to diverse opinions and helps others feel that they are in a safe and positive environment.

6. Do not gossip. If there is an issue, talk to the person directly and address the issue. Talking about a colleague behind their back causes animosity and creates mistrust.

7. Own your mistakes. Hold yourself accountable for any mistakes you’ve done. People will understand if you’re honest about a misstep and help you get back on track. An apology can go a long way to creating a positive environment.

8. Collaborate. When you ask for something, give your reason. A workplace is like a machine; it needs all of its parts to work. A project needs a team that is on the same page. Everyone should know how their role and responsibilities affect others and why and how they are interdependent.

9. Have fun. Yes, this is work AND work can be fun. Start by smiling and saying “Hi” to people. You can also post a positive quote or do a random act of kindness.

10. Be positive yourself. Moods are contagious. If you are down, it will bring others down. If you see things optimistically, so will others. Yes, you really do have control. All you have to do is exercise it!

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