Parenting Promotes Leadership

Parenting skills can translate into great leadership qualities. It’s time to recognize your parenting strengths and add them to your resume!
Both parents and great leaders:

Develop skills – Training is an important part of both a parent’s and leader’s role. They need to help people learn new skills and improve on the skills they have.
Are supportive – Both parents and leaders ensure that everyone has the proper tools to be successful. They are generous with praise and encouragement.
Have a positive mindset – Good parents and strong leaders know that
using a nurturing and encouraging approach will develop people and encourage creativity. They look for the good in people.
Hold people accountable – Both parents and leaders train others to do what they say they are going to do. They set expectations and deadlines
and hold people accountable.
Need to Adjust – When results don’t go as planned, both parents and leaders are prepared to change the course.
Have an authoritative point of view – Authoritative leaders and parents encourage creativity, caring, and a trusting attitude. They identify and build strengths while tackling areas of growth with patience.

So…recognize and appreciate these
skills and stop saying, “I’m just a
Mom…or Dad!”

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