3 Little Things That Can Greatly Reduce Stress


As a psychologist who trains on stress, I realize that at this time of year, stress is unavoidable. You have deadlines to meet; you used your vacation time; the people around you are also stressed and the to-do list keeps getting longer! Before you think, that’s “just the way it is,” there are three things you can do to help relieve this stress. The following are often the things you do at other times of the year but stop when people need them most….NOW!

1. Take a generosity approach. If someone needs help, offer it. If
someone needs a break, give it to them. If someone is stressed, see if you can take something away, or schedule it for January. The more generous you can be during the holidays, the less stressed others will be, knowing that they have a little bit of understanding from the people around them.

2. Don’t take things personally. If someone says something hurtful or they get angry, just know that they, too, have a lot of stress. Spend less time worrying and feeling irritated about what they really meant.

3. Praise the work of others. Look for ways to give sincere compliments. Notice and comment when others are helping you or helping the organization. Whether you’re a co-worker or a boss, this can help those feeling stressed to be more at ease by knowing they’re doing a good job.

The amazing thing is that while you are reducing the stress of others, yours will go down as well!

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