20 Questions Servant Leaders Ask

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The servant leader begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first.” Here are some questions you can ask to help you be a better servant leader.

1. How do we build the “we” rather than the “me”?
2. How can we cultivate a culture of trust?
3. How can I show that I care?
4. How can I help others to be successful?
5. How can I help successful people continue to grow?
6. How can I help others to take the lead?
7. How can I show rather than tell what I mean?
8. How can I get others to give their opinions?
9. How can I get others to share their ideas?
10. How can I get people to express diverse opinions?
11. How can we build consensus?
12. How can I be sure I understand what they are saying?
13. How can I show that I care about them as a person?
14. How can I encourage others?
15. How can we learn from the past?
16. How will the decisions we make today affect tomorrow?
17. How can I sacrifice self-interest for the good of the group?
18. How will what we do matter?
19. How will the things I do benefit others?
20. How can I be a great follower?

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