One Bad Apple …and What to Do About Them

There are poor performers in your organization. They may be excessively
absent. They may be constantly tardy. They may have a poor attitude or are
constantly putting others down. Sadly, these people affect the bottom line.
The result is lowered productivity, poor morale and increased turnover. Often, the wrong people leave. Your bad apple stays while your good ones leave! So why isn’t anything done about it?

Probably because the managers don’t know what to do and no one is giving them the training and tools needed to deal with these issues.
Managers will either ignore the problem or ultimately fire the bad apple. There is rarely an attempt to rehabilitate them, which is actually the most cost effective route to take.

Managers need training on how to address these issues and they are not getting it! We have found that all managers, especially new ones, need to be taught how to handle difficult situations, how to give appropriate performance reviews, how to work with and counsel their employees and how to give appropriate criticism…and, yes, how to terminate, if all else fails.

When we give this training to managers, and do the follow up training, the managers are so happy to finally have the tools they need AND
they actually use them! The results are astounding. The bad apples get help
and the people around them perform better as well! Talk about a win/win!!!

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