H’s of Volunteering

Volunteers help organizations stay efficient, augment various roles and
bring communities together. Sometimes organizations struggle with keeping their volunteers engaged. These four H’s will help.

Health. Volunteering is proven to increase people’s health. However,
some volunteers feel a greater pressure to perform than paid staff! They will even show up when they are sick! Overload and working with sick people
leads to illness. Let them know that taking a break or “sick leave” will have them coming back healthier,recharged and eager to participate.

Happiness. Volunteers want to be happy. Should negative emotions or irritability arise, don’t let things fester. Deal with them! Resolving conflicts boosts the happiness factor and helps to boost morale. It also lets volunteers know how important their efforts are to the organization.

Home. New environments can be intimidating for volunteers. Creating an
atmosphere that makes the organization feel like a 2nd home helps to reduce stress. Be sure volunteers know where things are, what things they can use and what opportunities they can participate in, so that they have a sense of belonging and feeling “in” on things.

Humor. Keep a sense of humor. We all make mistakes. Being able to laugh at them helps volunteers feel accepted and appreciated. After all, volunteering should be fun for everyone!

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