How to Throw a Successful Office Party

The holiday season may seem far off, but it is coming up fast! Many employees dread holiday parties but feel obligated to attend. Office parties can increase satisfaction and strengthen relationships between colleagues.

Keep It Simple. A casual event on the company grounds may beat the holiday blowout which could become awkward if employees eat and drink too much.

Consider Doing a Service Project. Get into the holiday spirit of giving with an office-wide charity event where whole families can participate.

Keep Timing in Mind. Your people will not enjoy attending if they are needing to get a project finished or if it’s an extremely busy month. You may consider scheduling your party before December or after January 1st because people are often less stressed and more willing to attend. The day of the week and time of day are also important. Consider a breakfast buffet rather than an evening event.

Encourage Socializing. Food stations, like a waffle or sundae bar, encourage mingling and get people talking. If you hire an entertainer, people will watch the entertainment instead of interacting with each other, and it is hard to find entertainment that everyone will enjoy.

Follow the Current Trends. Check out what type of party themes and food are trending right now. Make your employees excited to take part in an office party. Food trucks along with raffles or a type of giveaway are big currently.

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