How to Stay Motivated!


Motivation is the desire and energy to be continuously committed. Here are some tips to help you make positive choices and stay motivated.

1) Have a purpose. Whether you are working on a large project or simple daily tasks, connect your efforts to specific goals and objectives. Consider everything that you do an important piece of a bigger puzzle.

2) Reflect on previous goals. Think about what you have already accomplished. Think about the process you chose and the energy you exerted to reach the goal. Past feelings of success can fuel you to be more motivated.

3) Avoid negativity and negative people. Don’t listen or spread gossip. People will stop sharing their negativity if you are not a willing recipient. Let people know that while their stories may be interesting, you don’t have time to listen to them.

4) Take time for yourself. It is easy to get caught up in all the work and stress you encounter daily. Schedule time to unwind or decompress each day. Be sure you eat good food and drink water. Take a walk, or go to the gym! This will help you put your best efforts forward.

5) Have a set sleep schedule. Going to bed and waking up at the same time everyday prepares your body and mind for success. With a consistent routine, you will feel awake and energized, plus your body will be ready to start the day.

6) Plan ahead. Do your “to-do” list before you leave work so it is there when you arrive. If you can, schedule your “worst” first so you can get it over with and feel accomplished. This will motivate you to stay on top of your meetings, projects, or appointments.

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