How to Recover From a Workplace Blunder

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No matter what your field, what your position, or how much experience you have, you will make mistakes! This is totally normal; at the end of the day, we are all human and no one is perfect! Here are some quick tips on how to recover from workplace blunders.

Analyze what went wrong. A well-known cliché is to learn from your mistakes. Figure out what caused your mishap and determine what to do differently so as not repeat the same blunder again.

Own up to it. Don’t make excuses or beat around the bush, mistakes happen! You don’t grow if you don’t admit what you messed up.

Fix it! Again, there is no shame in making a mistake; however there is shame in not fixing it. Take the time to do what it takes to correct the situation. Your colleagues and managers will appreciate your efforts.

Don’t take it personally. You may have “messed up,” but you are not a failure. It means that you are human and sometimes make mistakes. Successful people take risks and sometimes fail in the process. It’s all about bouncing back and trying again.

Share your failures. Life is a learning experience. Share the knowledge you gained with your coworkers and ask them to share their blunders with you as well. This helps grow your organization, and everyone benefits.

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