Increase Your Happiness

Happiness and gratitude are linked. Gratitude is an underrated and
powerful emotion. Studies show that writing a gratitude journal 3 times a
week more greatly impacts your happiness than journaling daily and it
has physical health benefits as well. Here are 5 tips to get you started:

1. Splurge on a new notebook: Find a notebook that fits you and your
day-to-day lifestyle. If the notebook is unappealing, you won’t follow through
with writing.
2. Be specific. Nothing is too big or too small. Whether you’re thankful for a
morning cup of coffee or a new job promotion, write it down. Not every day
has big events but every day has something that we can appreciate.
3. Accept your emotions. Don’t be modest or ashamed to express yourself.
Anything that makes you feel better is a good thing.
4. Be positive about yourself. Having gratitude reduces negative emotions.
You are more likely to take care of your physical health when you are happy.
5. Be consistent. The more often you express your gratitude, the happier you
will be. You don’t have to write a lot or even edit your work. Just be sure to
write something regularly.

Writing and turning the negatives into positives can help you focus on what matters.
Even though it may seem unnatural or time-consuming at first, it
will create a better overall outlook on your life and …You will be happier!

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