Nonprofit Change – Answer These Questions!

As in any organization, when nonprofits go through change, it’s important to answer specific questions to ensure a positive outcome. Here are some of the necessary questions that need answers.
-Why do we want to do something different? What’s working? What’s not?
-Who instigated the idea of changes? Are you listening to the noisy few or is this a shared idea?
-What do you want to do differently? -How will making the change help your organization better advance its mission?
-What information do you need and how will you get it? -Who can take the lead? Is there a champion for this change?
-Who will do the actual implementation work to make things happen?
-What resources will you put toward the change process?
-How will you involve more stakeholders in the planning process?
-How can you engage people to have vigorous discussion about the changes?
-Will you engage an outside facilitator or will you do it all “in-house?”
-How will the change impact your Board, Staff and Volunteers?
-How will you handle potential fears and resistance to the change?
-What will be the first steps forward? -How will you handle roadblocks?
-How will you evaluate the change? -What will you take as evidence of success?

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