More than 1 in 6 working Americans have to assist with the care of elderly or disabled family members. Often these caregivers arrive late, decrease their hours, rearrange their schedule, take an unpaid or even change from full-time to part-time work, which leads to decreased income and benefits and the loss of a valuable employee. A team member who is also a caregiver isn’t being irresponsible. By definition, they care! With support and flexibility, caregivers can remain productive employees.
How can you ease the burden on your working caregivers and still get the job done?
Allow workplace flexibility. This can include flex-time and telecommuting.
Adopt a result-oriented workplace policy that values and emphasizes job performance and results, not just time spent.
Research and offer resources. This can include referral services, counseling, eldercare support and benefits, and other information. The caregiver may not have the time to do this research that can be so very helpful.
Inform other employees that while you are flexible, the job is being done and deadlines are met.
Taking these steps will not only help them balance their work and caregiving roles, but it also benefits your organization by improving productivity, bettering worker retention, and fostering good morale.
Caring for the Working Caregiver
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