Take Charge!

With more people working independently, remotely and/or from
home, it is important to know how to optimize your work and take charge of
your most valued employee – YOU!
Here are some hints to be the best boss
you ever had!

Translate goals into behaviors with time limits. Unclear ends are hard to
achieve. Don’t say to yourself, “I need to get organized.” But rather, “I will
spend 15 minutes filing this pile of papers.”

Do the worst first! The buck stops with you. When faced with a dreaded task,
refuse to give in to a short-term feeling of relief by putting it off. Take a deep
breath and get it done now. If it is a long-term project, set a time limit on
how long you will work on it and/or how much of it you will get done today.

Stop blaming others. Accept responsibility for your mistakes and even
your misfortunes over which you have no control. Habitually blaming others
perpetuates bitterness, resentment, and powerlessness. Your feelings may be
justified, but they will not help you become happy, healthy, and

Ask for help. You may be great at what you do but that doesn’t mean
that you can do everything. Do not be afraid to admit that you don’t
understand something, don’t know how to do it or are simply overloaded.
Keep up the good work and you will become your own “Boss/Employee of
the Year!”

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