The next generation of workers has arrived! College educated Gen Z
graduates this year, and brings new defining factors to the workforce.
The realist generation. Raised by skeptic Gen X during the recession, Gen Z looks at their career differently than the Millennials who were optimistic dreamers. Gen Z is concerned with keeping up and “surviving,” and have the tools to do so!
Be patient with the impatient. Gen Z is not a patient generation, and is used to having all information available at all times. A challenge arises when a Gen Z fears they are missing out. Structured updates and influx of information are key.
Be a guide, not a source. Even as youth, Gen Z was used to accessing all information at all times. They are accustomed to teachers guiding them through the vast abundance of information on the internet, rather than having instructors serve as their key source of information. When developing a management environment, remember Gen Z wants to be led, not taught.
The digital generation. Gen Z is notoriously tech savvy, and with the influx of technological advances, Gen Z can lead the way to implementation. Gen Z will prefer up-to-date technologies, and a lack thereof might frustrate them.
Juggling hobbies and jobs. Gen Z has an entrepreneurial spirit, and it is typical to find them making money on the side with hobbies. Don’t fear! Gen Z employees are resourceful and see the value of a steady income. So long as their work is not affected, don’t be alarmed by the income-generating hobbies of Gen Z.
Remember these attributes and you will reap the benefits this generation provides!
Preparing for Generation Z
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