Accepting Compliments

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Accepting compliments seems pretty simple, right? Well there are some common mistakes that are easy to make when accepting compliments. These mistakes can lead to an awkward and uncomfortable encounter with our coworkers and/or boss. They can also lead us to look withdrawn and modest in other encounters.

When someone gives you a compliment, keep in mind these 3 tips!

1.Don’t downplay your accomplishments. Many people revert to modesty when accepting compliments to avoid sounding overconfident and arrogant. While being modest isn’t necessarily a bad thing, saying things like “it was nothing,” and “I definitely could have done a better job,” can make the conversation go from meaningful to awkward in a flash. Instead of devaluing yourself and your accomplishments, a simple “thank you” or “I appreciate that” will be sufficient if you feel uncomfortable.

2.Don’t go fishing for your compliments. Fishing for more praise can sometimes be very unintentional, but there are many of us who do this without realizing. For example, have you ever known that you did well on something but responded with “I don’t think it went very well” or “I could’ve done so much better”? You probably weren’t trying to receive more praise but more likely than not, the person giving you the compliment will reassure you that you did a great job.

3.Keep body language in mind. If you’re receiving a compliment with a stern look on your face and your arms crossed but still say “thank you,” don’t you think the person giving the compliment will take that “thank you” the wrong way? It’s important to remember that body language and nonverbal cues play just as big of a role as the verbal cues when accepting compliments in a grateful and professional manner.

Receiving compliments can be awkward if you don’t know how to receive them correctly. Using these 3 tips will help you convert those conversations from awkward to graceful in no time. And don’t forget to say “thank you” after receiving a compliment, and always reciprocate the compliment when appropriate!

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