Management Tips For Great Leaders:

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Share Information- Be translucent with your employees. Making sure everyone’s on t he same page keeps the ball rolling. If an open door policy is in-tact, you will be able to target your company’s weaknesses, and in turn be able to divert them into strengths!

Say, “Thanks”– Chances are your employees work hard. Let them know you appreciate their work. Words of encouragement and thanks go a long way.

Delegate, Delegate, Delegate– No matter who you are, you can only do so much! Make sure your ‘plate’ isn’t too full, and ask for help when you need it. Sometimes it may be easier to do it yourself, but think of the learning experience that could take place if you delegated the project to a different employee.

Set Small Goals– You know that saying, “it’s not about the destination, but the journey,” well, make the journey just as meaningful. Focus on small goals to achieve your larger ones. Create a big picture, and then a time line to help motivate people to work smarter.

Give FEEDBACK! – Part of being translucent is giving feedback when necessary. Whether it’s positive, or negative, let your employees know how their work is quarterly, or monthly.

Lastly, Be Insipired– As upper management, you’re looked at differently. Make sure you’re still inspired in the work you do to set a good example. Monkey see, monkey do.

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