Dear Dr. Mimi: Talked To Too Much

Dear Dr. Mimi:
I have a new co-worker, and she is a delight except for the fact that she talks too much! She comes by my desk for a legitimate reason but then gets into talking and talking. If it were relevant to the job, I would understand, but it isn’t. We are both salaried. She tends to stay late to finish her work, but I don’t want to have to do that. Help!
—Talked To Too Much

Dear Talked:
The crucial aspect of solving this issue is to be firm but kind. When she starts to ramble off the work topic, let her know that while what she is saying is interesting, you don’t have time to listen because you have work to do and you need to leave at the appointed time. Let her know that for you, there is a time for work and a time for chatting, and that time is limited (to breaks and lunch). If you are able, set a lunch time to meet and chat. Remind her that you both need to focus on your workload while at work, and if she has any questions and/or information about the work, you are there for her. This will make her feel supported and that meeting with you can be mutually beneficial.
—Dr. Mimi

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