Recruiting Board Members? Answer These Questions!

When I work with Boards, I find that the Board needs more strong members. Recruiting board members can be tough. A good cause is not enough. You need to have answers to these questions.
What is your Mission? Potential board members typically want a personal or professional connection to the organization. This connection is often with the mission of the organization and the community it serves.
How financially sound are you? Be familiar with the overall budget. This may influence a potential Board member to either give or withhold financial support to your organization.
How much influence will I, as a Board member, have? In order for prospects to commit to becoming a board member, they want to know their influence or impact within the organization. They do not simply want to attend meetings or be a name on a board list.
What will be my Role and Responsibilities? People want to know what is expected from them, in terms of time, treasure and talents. Why do you really want them to serve on the Board and what are they expected to do and contribute?
Where does the role of Board member end and that of staff begin? Is this a policy Board, an advisory board or an admiring board? Are Board members expected to do specific operational functions? Does the staff appreciate the Board’s involvement and vice versa?
What is the image of the organization? Image matters. Your reputation is both reflective of the staff and organizational growth, and a good reputation makes Board membership more appealing.
Who else is involved with the organization? People enjoy having and building relationships via their Board experience. Choose a recruiter with whom the Board member can relate. Answer these questions for a greater chance of improved overall recruitment efforts, and better board development. (From Dr. Mimi Hull’s seminar on Board Development)

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