Why Mentorship Changed for Millennials

In generations past, mentors were an essential part of the workforce and employees requested and respected them. Mentors provided new hires with knowledge about the job, they groomed them to be up and comers, and they even provided connections to other professionals. Now, mentorship has changed to fit the new times. Managers have recognized that the amount of resources needed to mentor people is not feasible in today’s economy, and Millennials are more independent than their predecessors and don’t think that they need mentors.

Instead of Millennials having a mentor, they rely on networks. Networking has become essential and Millennials are great at making connections with others, thanks to social media. Both in and out of the workplace, connections have switched from person-to-person, to person-to-people. Millennials believe that these relationships replace the need for a direct mentor as this collection of people provides insights into the workforce, particular jobs, and even possible employment opportunities.

Millennials have a lot of confidence.They have been called the “Trophy Generation” because no matter how they performed as children, they received a trophy. Boomers and even Gen Xers see Millennials as arrogant with a strong sense of entitlement. Yes, Millennials have technical knowledge and valuable insights, however, there is more to success than technology. In fact, Millennials could benefit greatly from the guidance of both Boomers and Gen Xers.

The dynamic between Millennials and their bosses has changed. As a result, managers believe they need ways to reach the younger generations so they often allow Millennials to lead projects. In the past, the idea of a new and younger hire leading a project was rare. While it is more common today, some Millennials are successful…others are not, but would have been had they sought out a mentor!

No one person has all the answers. The communal mind is typically smarter and stronger, and the smartest and most successful people today credit seeking out wise counsel as their “secret” weapon.

(Generational Differences? Call Dr. Mimi!)

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