How to Get Your Boss to Invest in You

It is common for hard working employees to invest their time or personal resources in their company and to think they go unnoticed. Wrong! Many managers will invest in you just like you invested in the organization. They may prime you for better positions or prepare you for management.

How can you improve your chances of your boss investing in you?

Be dependable. Reliably come to work and meetings and complete your tasks on time. In today’s world, just doing your job well will help you stand out! Also, rising to the occasion when your boss needs you most is a sure way to stand out from the crowd.

Collaborate. Don’t be afraid to ask for help on tricky or challenging assignments! Communication is the key to a good working relationship. Positive collaboration can boost your chances of success and will show your boss that you are humble enough to ask for assistance!

Take calculated risks. Volunteer to take on some challenging projects or try solving an old problem with a new method. It may be risky, but the risk will pay off!

Admit mistakes. Don’t blame others. Take responsibility and ask for guidance on how to correct the situation and avoid repeating it in the future.

Seek opportunities for learning and self-improvement. Learning new skills and broadening your horizons is a great way to show that you are flexible and versatile. If your organization is offering special classes or certifications, ask to take them. Let your leader know what you have learned and how it can contribute to your work.

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