Dear Dr. Mimi: Promotion Promises

Dear Dr. Mimi:

I have worked for my company for more than a year now and upon hiring was promised a promotion within six months. Six months have passed. I have asked my boss when she will promote me, and each time she responds, “Your day is coming.” Recently, they hired someone for a position that I should have been promoted to. I like the company, but I question their ability to keep promises. How do I obtain my promised promotion?

—Broken Promise

Dear Broken Promise:

Maybe your boss forgot the verbal promise she made to you. As the old saying states, if it is not in writing, it does not exist. Communicate your desire for a promotion and ask her what the performance expectations for the job are. Try to ascertain when and if the position to which you aspire will be available. Follow up your conversation with an email so that you both have a written record of it.

—Dr. Mimi

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