5 Tips for Effective Leadership

Leaders influence people to achieve greater goals. Here are some things to do when leading.

1. Persuade…don’t force – Using the “do it because I say so” approach may get the job done but it’s not the best approach. Using rapport is compassionate and genuine and will make the request more personal.

2. Be specific – Terms like A.S.A.P. are ambiguous, open to interpretation, and leave your people wondering how urgent the request is. It also might lead you to keep checking in with them unexpectedly. Saying “I need that by Tuesday at 3” or “ It needs to be done next” signifies exactly when the assignment is due and how urgent it is. It also helps your people adjust priorities
while reducing your micromanaging.

2. Build in milestones and checkpoints – Some projects do require a progress report. Let your people know when you will be checking in and what you expect to be done.

3. Give constructive feedback – Criticism should be a learning experience. Show what you want done or changed while the project is in process rather than sending it back for corrections after they thought it was done.

4. Give recognition – Give credit where credit is due. Ask how your people want to be acknowledged. Do they want public praise or would a private note or “pat on the back” be more comfortable? Then do what they want!

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