How to Deal With Workplace Theft

Workplace theft is rampant. Stealing in the workplace can be as small as taking a couple of office supplies to as large as embezzlement. Here are some things to keep in mind when confronting theft at work.
People decide to steal from their employers due to a poor relationship with them. They feel that they have been taken advantage of and they are stealing to even the playing field not because they are in financial straits.
The typical employee that steals from the workplace isn’t an amoral con artist. In reality the workplace thief is someone who is often well mannered, respected, and a dedicated employee. This is because they don’t want to draw attention to themselves and risk getting caught.
Apprehending the offender takes time. Monitor them closely. Should you decide to later terminate or have them charged, you will need documentation. List each piece of evidence, including physical evidence, witness testimony, security footage, financial documents, etc. Ask other employees to report any suspicious activity. Don’t make an accusation until you’re absolutely sure you have the evidence.
Employees who steal start and stop, often for months, and start again once their employer has relaxed and stopped watching them closely.
If it is a small offense and you don’t want to fire an employee, meet with them and calmly explain the specifics. Have another person in the room with you. Keep a watchful eye on them and if the behavior continues, contact the proper authorities and terminate their employment.

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