Don’t Burn Them Out!

Organizations are doing more with fewer people. Here are some tips to keep your employees motivated and insure that burnout does not occur.
A pay increase is not always the answer. Recognizing an employee’s quality work, which has made a positive impact on the organization, can motivate employees. This helps them feel engaged and appreciated, and
avoid burnout. Make sure that your assignments and values are aligned. Don’t ask employees to do something that they (and you) know is wrong, inappropriate or possibly even illegal. This type of angst leads quickly to burnout!
Don’t overload your employees. An overload of work may result in a decrease of productivity and become an indicator that burnout is imminent. Check with your employees regularly, and if necessary lighten the workload by dispersing big tasks among multiple employees.
Let people know your priorities. If you have to add an assignment, let them know where it fits in the timeline compared to other duties.
Make a change. A change in assignment can breathe new life into an overwhelmed employee. For some, having a “change of pace” can result in increased enthusiasm and generate new and even better ideas to make the workplace function more smoothly.
Resolve conflicts quickly. Don’t let conflicts fester. Often burnout occurs because employees are conflicted and no one is doing anything about the situation.

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