Dear Dr. Mimi: Turning Toxic

Dear Dr. Mimi:
I have an employee who is steadily going downhill. He never was a superstar, but he was a good “average” employee who arrived, did his work and went home. However, his work is now sloppy. He is complaining and, slowly but surely, becoming toxic. I keep hoping he will make a turn-around, but so far, there is no movement in the right direction. Help!

Dear Annoyed:
Have you taken the time to speak to him and find out why there is such a change? Let him know how his work has declined. Show him specific examples of how his work was before and what it is like now. Ask him to share why this may be so. Some common reasons an employee’s work will decline include feeling unappreciated, problems at home or simply being bored with their position. Ask him for suggestions on how he can get better and what you can do to support that effort. If he doesn’t come up with answers immediately, ask him to think about it and come up with suggestions when you meet again in a week or so. You may find that by simply having the conversation, things will improve!
—Dr. Mimi

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