Dear Dr. Mimi: Bearing Bad News

Dear Dr. Mimi:
Sometimes I am in a position where I have to tell my boss bad news—and I dread it! In fact, I have been known to put it off, hoping things will get better. Rarely do they, and they often get worse! While she tells me that she has a strong need to know, I am aware that she gets really frustrated.
—Bad News Bearer

Dear Bearer:
Be sure to choose a quiet time and a confidential place to communicate what is happening. Try to be as unemotional as you can be. Describe the issue in detail and the impact or possible impact that it will have if left unattended. Hopefully, you have already attempted to fix the problem. If so, let her know what you have tried. If you have additional ideas, you might want to have an outline for her to see what that plan of action could be. If you were responsible for the bad event, accept the appropriate level of responsibility. If it is your responsibility to simply let her know what is happening, remind her that you are the messenger and to please not “shoot the messenger.”
—Dr. Mimi

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