Dear Dr.Mimi: Hiring Hostiles

Dear Dr. Mimi-
I work at smaller sized firm and I’m in charge of hiring potential employees. Recently I’ve had a young man come in for an interview and he seemed perfect for the job. There is only one problem: he has a record. Even though it’s a minor offense and he was forthcoming about it in the interview, I am still hesitant about hiring him. What should I do? –Hiring Hostiles

Dear Hiring-
The key to solving your problem is to use your own discretion. You need to contemplate on the advantages this person could bring to your firm and weigh it against the potential risks of hiring him. If he is truly perfect for the position and he was honest and forthcoming about this minor offense then it’s possible this individual deserves to get the benefit of the doubt. Everyone makes mistakes but if you learn from them then at least you’ve gained the knowledge to not make the same mistake twice.

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