Decrease Your Stress Level at Work

Stress in the workplace is inevitable. Each new stress can motivate you to face the challenge ahead, or it can weigh you down and keep you from being successful. The choice is yours! Coping behaviors affect your ability to bounce back from stressful situations. Here are some coping strategies that work!
Look for Opportunities in the Challenge. When a stressor arises, our natural instinct is to focus our energy into overcoming the threat. Instead of wasting time worrying about the problem, brainstorm creative solutions. Even creative silly solutions can trigger useful ones, which can help you deal with the stress.
Ask for help. Use the stressor as an opportunity to communicate with fellow employees or even problem solve with management. People like being asked to help and appreciate your seeking them out for recommendations.
Look at the Bigger Picture. Taking on one stressor after another may dishearten you and make you an unenthusiastic worker. Step back, take a breath and look at the bigger picture. Keep focused on the goal. Ask yourself, “What purpose does this stress serve?” “Does it really matter?” “Will it matter in five months?” By putting your stressor into perspective, you can think more rationally and stay on track.
Build in Recovery Time. Our bodies are better built to handle stress in short bursts. Taking a break between stressors will rejuvenate you. Activities such as overeating, Internet surfing, or drinking give us the illusion that we are “de-stressing”, but in reality you are intensifying the problem. Physical activities and/or meditation are better ways to reset your body and ensure that you have a fresher start.
Take a deep breath… literally. Intentionally focus on your breathing rather than the stressor. When you take slow, deep breaths it can activate the relaxation response by stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system. The result is lowered heart rate and blood pressure. You will feel more relaxed and your stress level will drop. (From Stress Management training by Dr. Mimi Hull)

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