Dear Dr. Mimi: Building a Relationship with Coworkers

Dear Dr. Mimi:
I’ve been at my current position for three years, and I do not get along with my co-workers. There are little cliques in the office that do a lot out of work (like drinking and bar-hopping), which I refuse to join. I would like a better relationship with my co-workers. How can I be a team player without compromising my professionalism?

Dear Anti-Social:
In life, we do not always get along with everyone. However, extra effort must be made to be friendly to the people you work with because you spend about 75 percent of your waking time with this group. Be respectful in all of your interactions. Do not participate in gossip, but make an effort to get to know your colleagues. Ask questions and pay attention to their answers. Practice the art of small talk and listen actively. Always show appreciation and be tolerant. Honor your commitments and offer to assist others whenever possible and appropriate. Admit when you are wrong and be humble when you are right. Ask your co-workers to join you for lunch or breaks and try not to be offended if they decline at first. Keep asking! It sometimes takes people a while to make friends. Continue being approachable and positive with a smile. Eventually, it will pay off!
—Dr. Mimi

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