Are They Really Lazy?


Have you ever encountered someone at work who is unable to plan, organize, or even remember things? You might have labeled that person as lazy or uninterested in working. In reality, there are cases where people want to plan and follow through, but just can’t. The mental skills that help the brain organize and act on information are called executive functions. These skills help individuals: plan, organize, reflect on work and make adjustments, prioritize, pay attention, initiate tasks and use past experiences to solve a problem. When a person suffers from Executive Functioning Problems, it is more difficult for them to succeed in the workplace.

Usually problems in Executive Functioning are identified during childhood; however, in some instances people are unaware of their problem until they fail at work. As a psychologist, Dr. Mimi Hull has learned that while this situation is difficult, it is not impossible for people with Executive Functioning Problems to succeed. To improve the productivity of people who have this problem:
• Provide structure through clear
communication, expectations,
and rules
• Break down long-term tasks into
smaller manageable ones
• Provide the employee with the
needed priorities
• Give positive reinforcement to the

The good news is that with these accommodations you could have an excellent employee. The even better news is that by following these suggestions with all employees, you can have higher productivity throughout your organization!

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